We Want To Tell You Our Story

Game Shooting in the UK

We have some of the most wonderful and professionally run game bird sporting estates in the UK  available to us. We cater for the whole game bird hunting season and can arrange larger shoots or smaller days for a relaxed, sociable experience with like-minded people.

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Deer stalking

We cater for all types of stalking and our team know exactly where to take you for the best experiences. We can offer you and your group red stags in Scotland, roe bucks in the Cotswolds, fallow and roe does through the winter months and Muntjac on our Worcestershire based estates.

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Driven Large Game

Our top European estates are managed throughout the year to provide only the best driven wild boar, red deer and roe deer. We organise everything so your trip is fully tailored to meet your groups exact requirements. Along with the hunt, you will also experience the true culture of the moment.

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Fishing in North America

We have been fishing in North America for over 10 years and know the best locations across 6 states. The Great Lakes provide us with fantastic runs of Chinook salmon, Steelhead and Brown Trout through the Spring, Autumn and Winter. We cater for individuals or groups that wish to wade or drift.

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“Challenge is what makes men. It will be the end when men stop looking for new challenges.”

— Sir Edmund Hillary


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